Monday, January 15, 2007

Week 3!!! Daily To Do List

We are in week 3 of the new year and I would like to start de-cluttering my house. This is a huge issue for me. I have a lot of stuff that I want to keep but have a small house to keep it in. I have decided to move it to storage and take the drive if I need it.

  1. Bible/Devotion Reading
  2. Cooking
  3. Chores: Vacuum, dust ceiling fans, wash dishes, wash blankets
  4. Package and print shipping for sold Eaby items
  5. List items I find today while cleaning on Ebay!
  6. Clean Sons Closet (This might take me all day!)
  7. To grocery store for weekly menu
  8. Continue knitting scarf
  9. Continue reading January Book
  10. Start 30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge!!!!
  11. To bed by 10pm

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