Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hair...The Good...The Bad...The Ugly

Not an easy topic for me. I have struggled with my hair for the majority of my life!

When I was younger (JR High School) I had that awful perm everyone was getting. What a mistake that was! Then junior year I saw a girl with this great short hair cut. I asked her who cut her hair and she gave me her stylists number. When I went to get it cut I thought he was a genius. I looked awesome! It was the right cut for the shape of my he said. So I have had short hair for 20 some odd years now.

Through my Journey Through the Bible I came across a verse that really hit me. It is 1 Corinthians 11:15. Basically it says long hair was given as a covering for woman. What a shock! You see, I have that really thin hair that does nothing when it is long. No curling iron or gel can get it to do anything. But I am doing it anyway! I am growing my hair out and might just have to buy some sun hats to cover my long stringy locks. Whew...I am so glad I got that out! God Bless

Pants vs Skirts

So, I have read a lot of blogs and web sites talking about this issue. I had to find out for myself what the Bible said.

To my surprise it says in Deuteronomy 22:5 that a woman must not wear men's clothing and a man not wear women's clothing. HUH!!! Don't believe me....check it out for yourself!

I am now wearing skirts and dresses! I only had 2 dresses in my closet so I kind of panicked. You see, I'm a jeans girl. I like my jeans, and it is hard to give them up. But I am going to because it is what GOD wants! I went around town last week and actually found 4 skirts for a total of $20.03!!! Being a single income family means money is on a tight budget. I only had a certain amount I could spend on clothing. But what a deal! Four skirts for less than the price of one! One is from JCPenny, and one from Old Navy. The other two (jean skirts!!!) are from consignment shops.

You never know what you will find when you do a little looking. That goes for the Bible and shopping! God Bless!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Home Management Binder

So….how do I keep track of everything??? A wonderful thing called a Home Management Binder.

There are a lot of different versions for sale out there, but I made my own! I used a white 3 ring binder I had around the house and purchased a pack of 25 clear page protectors from Target for $2. I love to scrapbook and make cards so I had lots of supplies to make the cover. And I added a picture of my son!
My catagories are:
Master Calendar (Everyones schedule on one master calendar)
Meal Planning
Home Maintenance (House Keeping)
Home School Information (We plan to homeschool in the fall)
Medical Information ( DH medical info with a list of current prescriptions)
Personal Bible Study
Pets (With 5 of them it is easier to keep it all in one place)
I will add more pictures and links to the charts I printed off soon!

50 In 2007

These are the 50 things I would like to accomplish in 2007.
Wish me luck!!!

1. Read the Bible all the way through
2. Keep up postings on Blog
3. Gather lots of info on living by Proverbs 31 & Titus 2

4. Save money to give to needy children in local area
5. Make cat toys fo local rescue groups

6. Read 1 book per Month: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
7. Sell books I will never read again
8. Add info about Christian Books to Blog

9. Eat Healthier
10. Drink 8 glasses of water every day
11. Lose 2 dress sizes
12. Exercise 5 days a week

13. Learn to make a pie from scratch
14. Learn to cook fish
15. Learn to make bread from scratch

16. Finish fixing up guest bathroom (new tub & tile)
17. Finish fence in backyard
18. Replace closet doors in sons room
19. Replace carpet in living-room and bedroom
20. Clean the screened in porch
21. Purchase a new dryer

22. Plant Mexican Daisy seeds in spring
23. Plant Catnip seeds in spring
24. Grow Herbs for cooking
25. Plant tomato’s (and try not to ruin this batch!!)
26. Plant flowers in front yard

27. Make $x or more each month: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
28. Keep adding content to website
29. Get CBL
30. Get TI
31. Create Logo and print new business cards
32. Purchase new sewing machine
33. Sell on Etsy dot com

34. Keep up on daily devotions: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
35. Go to the zoo once a month: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
36. Home-school in the fall
37. Take him to Disney on his birthday
38. Save $x for Christmas gifts
39. Take him to bookstore once a week to purchase a book

40. Learn to make a skirt
41. Knit 1 scarf every month: Jan(olive), Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
42. Make a vintage apron
43. Hand stamp birthday cards for family
44. Learn to make doll clothes
45. Learn to make pajama pants for son

46. Save $x by Christmas 2007
47. Save $x for sons school books for 2007-2008 school year
48. Sell all those pants in the closet that are not being worn!!
49. Keep up and add to Home Management Binder
50. Remember to get yearly woman’s exam (I always forget!)

About My Family

I have been married for 6 years and have a 5 year old son. Right after our third wedding anniversary my husband got sick. He contracted a virus that traveled to his heart and attacked one of his valves. He had his first open heart surgery in May of 2003 (age:31) to replace his aortic valve with a donor valve. That was one hard day. 7 hours waiting for the word that all was OK. We were unaware at the time that he had a weakened immune system. He went the next 3 years tired and catching colds and sinus infections.

In January 2006 he had a lung infection. In April 2006 he had his third heart infection. And in August 2006 (age:34) he had his second open heart surgery to replace his aortic and mitral valves with mechanical valves. The second time around was a little bit easier to handle. The day of the surgery was also school orientation for my son. Since it was going to be about 9 hours before the surgery was done I took him to orientation! People were shocked! But I had my brother in law at the hospital ready to call me if anything happened. After surgery the surgeon said he cannot get another heart infection or we risk having to do another heart surgery. My mothering skills kicked in at that point! Cleaning house and making sure my son did not get sick were top priority. But, my son had two ear infections and a sinus infection within the first 3 months of school. Public school has lots of germs! Then last but not least in November 2006 my husband had a pacemaker put in because his heart muscle was only pumping at 15%. Now…with all the mechanical stuff in his heart he definitely CANNOT get sick again! They will have to go in and take the pacemaker out and start all over. life consists of lots of cleaning, taking care of my husband and son, oh…and our 2 dogs and 3 cats. I also have a small web business that I started before all the madness began 4 years ago. I’m pretty busy!

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome to my blog! I am a wife of 6 years to a professional patient, and a mom of a 5 year old boy. My husband spent a total of 4 months in the hospital this year! What a year it has been! I have become way to familiar with hospital cafeterias! Plus our son started Kindergarten. The to and from school and homework (projects!) are keeping me busy.

A lot of people have asked me how I manage a husband that is always in the hospital with heart related problems, a 5 year old boy, and a small online business. I have decided to use this blog as a journal of sorts to write about my daily life.

Enjoy the journey!!