Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hair...The Good...The Bad...The Ugly

Not an easy topic for me. I have struggled with my hair for the majority of my life!

When I was younger (JR High School) I had that awful perm everyone was getting. What a mistake that was! Then junior year I saw a girl with this great short hair cut. I asked her who cut her hair and she gave me her stylists number. When I went to get it cut I thought he was a genius. I looked awesome! It was the right cut for the shape of my he said. So I have had short hair for 20 some odd years now.

Through my Journey Through the Bible I came across a verse that really hit me. It is 1 Corinthians 11:15. Basically it says long hair was given as a covering for woman. What a shock! You see, I have that really thin hair that does nothing when it is long. No curling iron or gel can get it to do anything. But I am doing it anyway! I am growing my hair out and might just have to buy some sun hats to cover my long stringy locks. Whew...I am so glad I got that out! God Bless

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