Friday, June 22, 2007

Great Fonts!!

My husband found a great site with free fonts this morning. He is not usually this excited about fonts, but it had all the fonts used in the science fiction movies and TV series he has seen over the years. I looked it up and found some great ones to use for scrapbooking and my very slow business. Just follow this link!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Birthday Boy!!

Today is my son birthday! My husband and I sang the 'Happy Birthday' song to him this morning as his wake up call. His first words were 'where's my cake?'!!!!! We couldn't help but laugh!

I have had our day planned for a week. I was so excited!

  • Morning Movie - Veggie Tales Jonah and the Whale (free at local theatre)
  • Swimming at the Pool - Until the clouds rolled in
  • Afternoon Cartoons - Tom & Jerry (his favorite!!)
  • Open 1 Present - His official party is on Saturday!!
  • Pizza for Dinner - His new favorite food
  • Cake - He was so excited to blow the candles out!
  • Lots of Hugs & Kisses from Mommy!!

We are spending the rest of the evening coloring and playing.

It is hard to believe that I gave birth to him 6 years ago! All the hard work trying to conceive, and all the prayers for God to give us a child worked!! He is the best gift I have ever been given!! And I am so proud of the way he has turned out. He is a such a loving and helpful child. As I have watched him grow, I am reminded every day that he is a gift from God not to be taken for granted. So, today has been as much fun for me as it was for him!!