Sunday, February 25, 2007

Upside Down Tomato Plants

Ok, ok, I know what you are thinking! Upside down tomato's ?!?!?!?

We have 2 of the most mischievous dogs when it comes to our yard and garden. They manage to dig holes everywhere we don't want them to. I found out by watching them one day that they are in search of frogs and lizards. They love to catch and eat them. I know...gross! I did not want to risk them digging up the tomato plants, and so I was searching for ways to plant then and keep them safe.

I was flipping through the channels a few weeks ago and saw a show about things to use to make your gardening simple. They featured a man who used the upside down method with tomato's and green peppers. He said they were low maintenance and easy to use. He had loads and loads of tomato's growing on them!

They are called Topsy Turvy™ Upside-down Tomato Planters . Follow the link here

They came in the mail Friday and I planted them Saturday. But first, I had to dig a hole for the pole we were using to hang them. Who says you can't dig a hole in a skirt?!?!?!
Then I put the pole in, put the plants in the planters, and hung them.

Other then the pole, it took about 10 minutes to put both plants in the planters and fill them. It was very easy! Digging and putting in the pole....not so easy when it's just you and a 5 year old!
Oh, the plastic folding gate you see behind the pole is to keep the dogs from digging to the neighbors house. Sad to say, they have already done it twice!!

Try a Third!

The cost of dryer sheets is going up, and I struggle with the thought of spending so much money every year on thin little sheets that take the static from my clothes. In January I went cold turkey and stopped using them. This did not work well! My skirts had static and would creep up as I walked. Not a pretty site! So, I have decided to challenge myself and see how much is necessary to use, and how much it would cost me a year.

Some may call me cheap. But with my husbands many cardiologist appointments, and 8 prescriptions to fill every month, money can be tight. I try to find simple ways to save a little money. Dryer sheets are definitely on the top of the list! I have to wash all bedding, blankets, and towels weekly to keep the house clean for my husbands low immune system.

So, here we go! I purchased 1 box of dryer sheets. They are a pack of 4o Target brand for $1.99. They smell just like Bounce, and are about $ .85 less. I cut each sheet into thirds and use 1 per load. I found that the third did just fine in removing the static, and the clothes don't smell flowery(my husbands request!). That gives me enough for 120 loads! About 3 months worth.

If I used 1 box per month(usual amount) I would spend $25.68 per year on dryer sheets. Using the third method, I will spend $8.56 per year. That's $17.12 a year saved! That's enough for the 3 of us to have lunch at our sons favorite restaurant! Or, enough for my husband and son to go see a movie! Or, enough for my son and I to purchase popcorn, and ride the train at the zoo! You get the picture! I can live with using a third so I can enjoy happy moments with my family!

Can you????? I challenge you to try a third!! Let me know if it works for you, and how much money you save!

Happy Saving!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday Pictures...on Saturday!!

My parents have 3 ponds in their neighborhood.
I love to drive by and look at all the birds that stop by!

Our tomato plants!! We are going to start with 2 and see how we do!

My husband bought me a new dyer with our tax refund.
To my surprise, it has a light inside!

I made pancakes the other day and topped them with strawberries!
I was in heaven eating these!!

Our cat loves to lay in the sun.
I guess the sun was in her eyes while she was trying to sleep!
How cute is this!!

What a day!!!!!

Today was a long one! I woke up and met my new Upline to become a Stampin' Up Demonstrator. I was a 'Demo' 4 years ago, but resigned when my husband had his 1st heart surgery. I love to stamp and make cards. It is such a stress reliever for me. I am happy to be back showing people how to save money by making their own cards!!

Then I went to pick up my son from his sleep over at grandmas house. He enjoys his Friday nights at her house watching cartoons and eating popcorn together! What a joy it is to see him grow up with his grandparents!

Then I began planting our tomato's. They are not the traditionally planted kind. They are going to grow upside down! I saw it on the FINE LIVING channel several weeks ago, and just had to do it. We have 2 dogs that manage to dig our flowers up every year, so it was a relief to find these.

And, we have been working on finishing our fence all week. We add little by little as time allows. We should have it finished Sunday evening.

I did not get my Mexican Daisies planted. I will try to find time during the day next week.

I will post pictures soon!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Kindred Spirits Journal

Here is one from the other day that I just loved reading. Wanted to share!

The Low-Maintenance Wife By Shari McMinn

We recently were at a friend’s home for dinner after church. While the children played, the adults solved all the world’s problems. Then the subject came up as to why we were homeschooling. That testimony became a discussion of why we were led to live in the middle of nowhere and adopt five children in addition to the six we bore ourselves. That testimony developed into a discussion of how we could possibly do all this. After the standard (but true) answers of "obedience to the Lord," becoming "Abraham and Sarah," and "laying everything at our Savior’s feet," my husband remarked it could be done because he had a "low-maintenance wife."Now, I say all this with humility, because I think I am a very demanding wife and mother when it comes to organizing my family, home, and our homeschool. I am quick to judge, quicker with my tongue, take on too much, am slow to get everything done I should, and am rarely pleased with my own actions, let alone those of the ones I love most. That sounds pretty high-maintenance to me. So what did this remark really mean, coming from the one who knows me better than anyone except my Creator?

Well, in mulling over his comment this week, I have come to the conclusion that my beloved husband meant I am willing to try anything as long as it involves him and obeying the Lord’s direction. Now, why is this such a big deal? Well, in a world full of career moms, wives running corporations, and girls overachieving at everything, I find very few women willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their husband’s vision and the Lord’s will. In simplistic terms, I would like to say that we moms need to make sure we are demonstrating our ability to put our husband and the Lord first in everything we do. Next, we need to make sure we homeschool moms are training our daughters to be willing to try anything (at least once), live anywhere, function contentedly without any of the modern world’s conveniences, and give up all sense of control in order to be the perfect helpmeet for either the husband the Lord brings along in His time, or for our Lord and Savior if they remain single. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well, let’s look closer at what this might entail.

As a single woman, then later as a working mom with two little boys, I was able to afford the time and money for my list of "essentials" to do for me: get my hair and nails done once a month, eat out five or six meals a week, buy what home accessories I wanted when I wanted, shop at the mall for clothing and home furnishings, help the needy at church without being needy myself, belong to several women’s groups, play golf occasionally, vacation at resorts annually, and pretty much run my life the way I wanted it run. I could count on many friends and close relationships with my siblings. I had a good marriage and a successful business with my husband.

I had grown up in an upper-middle class Christian family, had a college education, and had traveled the world as a student and the country for my career. My lifestyle was simply an extension of how I was raised and what was expected of someone from my background.
Well, times have changed, and the easy affluence of the baby boomer parents is not the reality of the baby boomer children. The high cost of materialistic living, immorality of school environments, crime in the city, and the threat of terrorism everywhere have put so much stress on families, marriages, and communities that it is not our parents’ lives we are living anymore. I think we as homeschooling parents understand this, even though our families, neighbors, and well-meaning Christian friends who are not home educators may not get it at all.

So it has become ironic that for all the women like me who grew up in a fairy tale life can expect to live far from a fairy tale now, nor can we pass on a fairy tale to our daughters. Even more so, our sons cannot expect it for their future wives and daughters. So, we have to be more realistic both in how we live as women and how we raise our daughters (and sons) for the Lord.

First, we have to teach our children (girls so they can, boys so they don’t expect otherwise) to be Christ-like in their serving, loving, giving, forgiving. You all knew that already. Second, we and our children need to have a strong foundation in Christian principles, then academics. You knew that, too. Third, we and our children need to be flexible and resilient. You probably already knew that as a fact of life for homeschooling families. Fourth, we and our children need to live frugally. Now, some of you already know this, because you have a lot of children and have learned to be frugal. But I challenge you who are still enjoying my list of "essentials" above (or your own version of it), to start teaching your kids to do their own nails, cut your family’s hair (and bravely letting your husband cut yours), cook every meal from scratch, consider school work on the wall "home decor," wear hand-me-downs (that includes we parents, too) eliminate most, if not all, women’s and personal activities (sports included) because of gas prices and lack of free time, consider a family trip to the State Fair your annual vacation, be willing to give up friends and family who are opposed to your new lifestyle, accept that you can help the needy at church and be needy yourselves (ie: it is okay to receive from the food bank) and give everything over to the Lord.

A friend of mine who has a frugal existence yet is always smiling often remarks "Lord willing." If I say, "See you tomorrow," she’ll say, "Lord willing." If I ask her what she is doing next week, she’ll say, "Lord willing." If there is an event to do with area homeschoolers, she’ll commit with "Lord willing." It didn't used to sink in what she was really saying – now I get it. She will only do, say, think, and plan what the Lord has her to do. This is a big challenge for me. Talk about a low-maintenance wife; she shames me!

Just think of where our country would be today if all women, underneath the wings of our Lord-serving husbands, were so low-maintenance that we would go anywhere, do anything, be anyone our husband would ask us to be, "Lord willing." And thrive without all the creature comforts that are so taken for granted. We all no doubt have missionary friends who go without electricity, cars, proper nutrition, medical care, and school materials, and do so with joy in their hearts. Can we in the day-to-day modern world consider doing the same? Even if we can financially afford these things, if we cut back and live frugally, simply, how much more time and resources can we allocate to the Lord’s work by contributing directly to what others are doing for Him, instead of spending it on ourselves? Can we demonstrate to our children that when they have their families and times are even tougher, that they can be resilient enough, tough enough, perseverant enough, simple enough to continue on the battle for Christianity that we must pass on to them as our days are numbered?

It takes a low-maintenance wife to be the best helpmeet for a high-powered man of God. If we want our husbands to rise up and do their job, how much more so must we rise up first to our calling of total submission to Christ? Are we ladies doing our job in our homes to perform this great task now? I know I am convicted by my husband’s remark to live up to his belief in me of being his low-maintenance wife. I think I’ll start the year off right by re-reading Marriage to a Difficult Man (story of godly wife Sarah Edwards and her impact on generations after her) to be reminded of what low-maintenance wives can do for their family, community, nation, and world. I humbly encourage you to do the same.

(Article found on

Kindred SpiritsA ministry of Kindred Spirits Journal &
...teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4,5

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Beautiful Day!

What a beautiful day! The sun was out, and the birds were chirping. I opened the windows to let the cool spring breeze into the house. I also saw the first bee of the year. You know, the big fat round fuzzy ones! They are so cute!

graphic by:graphic garden
I worked on my website today and got some laundry folded. I also straightened my office since I invited my father to come over Thursday morning. I will add the new pages to the website in the morning!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Today's To Do's

I spent most of the day with my husband. He needed some signs and office supplies for work. After his errands we went to purchase our tomato plants. I have wanted to grow tomato's for several years now. We will plant them when our containers come in the mail ( should be any day now!!!!). I am so excited!! I am also going to plant my Mexican Daisies again! We planted them 2 years ago and had the most beautiful flowers. My son loved the butterflies that would come by to eat!! I will post pictures on Friday!

I did get 2 loads of laundry done today. I feel good knowing I got at least one chore done!

graphic by: Cute Colors

Monday, February 19, 2007

Grocery Total

Well, since we had the money I decided to purchase 2 weeks worth of groceries. Here are the totals:

Store #1: $125.62 Store Specials: $2.54 Coupons: $6.25
Store #2: $13.01 Store Specials: $1.98 Coupons: 0
Store #3: $20.32 Store Specials: 0 Coupons: 0

Total= $158.95 Store Specials $ 4.52 Coupons $6.25

Price per week: $79.48 for the 3 of us. This includes a pizza and chips for game day!!

A little more than I intended, but still a good price! I purchased a lot of meat this time to help keep us going in case of hardship. We will have plenty of chicken to go around!!!

Tax Refund Goodies

Well, we received our tax refund on Friday and my husband said I could splurge a little. I didn't spend a lot. I have known hard times and my thinking has changed a lot after my husbands 2 heart surgeries. The word splurge has taken on a new meaning for me! I really wanted some things I could share with others! This is what I purchased!

Ok, this one was for me! I absolutely love this movie!
I saw it on BBC years ago and have waited for the right time to buy it!
$29.99 at Target
My son loves blueberry bread, and I didn't have any loaf pans.
I purchased 2 of these for bread and other small things I bake.
$5.27 each at Walmart

My son loves the Gators!! Every time I look for the fabric the stores are sold out.
I decided to purchase it now even though I am not sure what I will make from it.
I might make a blanket or bag. He doesn't know I have it! I might surprise him!
$17.52 for 3 yards at Walmart
And....a website! I have purchased the website name to match this blog! I wanted to share what I have learned as a wife and mom with others! I am currently working on it, but have the front page and 1 of the many other pages loaded. You can check it out if you like!
$10.22 for address and 2 months of hosting
Total splurge price.....$72

Good Monday Morning To Ya!!

I had the wonderful opportunity of sleeping in this morning! My son has the day off from school and I slept until 6:50. I would have liked to have slept until 8:50, but the dogs just couldn't hold it in!!!

Today I am going to try (with the good Lords help!) to get caught up on my chores. I am several weeks behind on Ironing, a week behind on dusting, and 1 load of dishes behind. I desperately want an empty sink today!

I went grocery shopping Sunday and will list my totals on a later post.
Have a great day!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday Pictures

I worked at the kids sale today so I could get a pass to the 1/2 price sale day. It was only two hours of my time and it will save me lots of money on my sons clothes! Workers get to shop the 1/2 price sale before anyone else, so I will get first pick at the loot! I did purchase some items today though. These were things I was sure would be snatched up before the 1/2 price sale. And....they took it off my profit from my items that already sold! How cool is that?!?!?! I didn't even have to open my wallet, and I got to take these things home!!

This is a NEW WITH TAGS bathing suit I got for $2.00!!!!

A Children's Place shirt for $4.00!!! This will be a great church shirt!

We are teaching our son about money right now and I found this stamp set with bills and coins for $5.00!!

Last but not least, these 2 Leapfrog books for $6.00! That is less then the price of 1 at Target! I couldn't pass them up since they focus on learning how to read!
Total= $18.45 taken from my sales profit and not my wallet!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Eat Certain Jars of Peter Pan Peanut Butter

Please read if you or someone you love uses this brand
FDA News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE P07-21 February 14, 2007

Media Inquiries: 301-827-6242Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Eat Certain Jars of Peter Pan Peanut Butter and Great Value Peanut ButterProduct May be Contaminated With Salmonella

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers not to eat certain jars of Peter Pan peanut butter or Great Value peanut butter due to risk of contamination with Salmonella Tennessee (a bacterium that causes foodborne illness). The affected jars of Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter have a product code located on the lid of the jar that begins with the number "2111." Both the Peter Pan and Great Value brands are manufactured in a single facility in Georgia by ConAgra. Great Value peanut butter made by other manufacturers is not affected.

If consumers have any of this Peter Pan or Great Value brand peanut butter in their home that has been purchased since May 2006, they should discard it.

Symptoms of foodborne illness caused by Salmonella include fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In persons with poor underlying health or weakened immune systems, Salmonella can invade the bloodstream and cause life-threatening infections. Individuals who have recently eaten Peter Pan and Great Value brand peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 and have experienced any of these symptoms should contact their doctor or health care provider immediately. Any such illnesses should be reported to state or local health authorities.
FDA's warning is based on a just-completed epidemiological study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the states and local health agencies, which links 288 cases of foodborne illness in 39 states to consumption of varying types of Peter Pan peanut butter. This report was provided to FDA on February 13.

The outbreak appears to be ongoing and the first consumer may have become ill in August 2006. The cause of foodborne illnesses can be difficult to identify. As a result of extensive epidemiological testing and recent case control studies, CDC was recently able to identify Peter Pan peanut butter as the likely cause of illness. Great Value brand peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 is manufactured in the same plant as Peter Pan peanut butter and, thus, is believed to be at similar risk of contamination.

ConAgra is recalling all Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 that already was distributed. The company also is destroying all affected products in their possession. The company will cease production until the exact cause of contamination can be identified and eliminated. ConAgra will advise consumers to destroy any Peter Pan and Great Value brand peanut butter beginning with product code 2111 in their possession. To assist in this endeavor, FDA has sent investigators to ConAgra's processing plant in Sylvester, Georgia where the products are made to review records, collect product samples and conduct tests for Salmonella Tennessee.

FDA will provide regular updates as more information becomes available.

Consumers who have questions should contact ConAgra at 866-344-6970.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

graphic by: Country Patch Collections

I hope everyone is having a Happy Valentines Day!!

I finished my sons room around 1 this afternoon. He had a special surprise at school today. I called Grandma and had her pick him up. He just loves it when she does that! His Valentine surprise is his favorite snack(Goldfish), a paper fire truck filled with his favorite candy(m&m's), and a bouquet of lollipops! I also cut out about 60 hearts and taped them all over his room! My husband says I'm weird. I say I love showing my son how much I love him!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm Back!!!

I know I have been MIA the last few days, but there has been so much going on.

I finally finished putting the kids clothes together for the area kids sale. I packed the car and took it all to the sale site today. I had over 100 pieces! I am hoping to make over $100 this time.

I also had to make something for my sons class for Valentines day. Money has been tight the last 2 weeks, so I had to come up with something I already had. I checked out the Martha Stewart website and found a great idea for lollipop flowers. I had all the materials needed so I decided to do it! I traced and cut out 80 hearts to make 20 flowers. I even added green straws for the stems!

The only problem I came across was trying to do these and get the kids clothes ready all at the same time. There were never enough hours in the day to get it all done!!

Now I am ready to make my sons Valentines present. It is a big surprise that will be waiting for him when he gets home from school. I will post pictures tomorrow!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

February's Book

My husband has a client that purchases real estate and rents the property out for a profit. He makes very good money doing this. My husband is now excited about the idea! His client gave him a book to read, and he in turn gave me the book to read. I know that my husband is very busy with work, so I will gladly read it for him! ( This goes right back to what I read in the January book about putting my husbands needs before mine!) I have chosen to make it February's book. Not the kind of book I normally read, but I will give it a chance! The guy that wrote this book has been on Oprah, and I was impressed by his ideas on the how the average person can save money for retirement. I am hoping this book has some great ideas for the real estate world. We will see!!! I will list my notes at the end of the month!

January Book.....Done

OK, I have finally finished the book! I should have read 2 chapters a day to make sure I would finish in time. Anyway, the book was amazing!! I learned so much about men, and my God given wifely role. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to improve their marriage. Below I have written little snippets that went to heart while reading. It is not the whole book. There is much more than what I list. I recommend reading the whole thing. It is heart changing!!

Making Your Husband Feel Loved

Chapter 1: Accept the Challenge Admit that you are not perfect, and admit that your husband is not perfect.

Chapter2 : Little Things Mean a Lot Learn to stop, look, and listen to your husband.

Chapter 3: Loving Him His Way You have to tell him and show him you love him in ways he can understand.

Chapter 4: Learn What to Expect From Your Relationship Our relationships with each other reflects our relationship with God.

Chapter 5: Quityerbellyaching! Count your husbands blessings, not his shortcomings.

Chapter 6: Taking Care of Daddy We should not take on the responsibility for the relationship between father and child.

Chapter 7: Six Ways to Say " I Love You" 1.Let him know he is your primary interest 2. Avoid criticism 3. Stress simplicity 4. Honor him 5. Practice unconditional love 6. Apply the golden rule.

Chapter 8: Respect Him If you want respect, give respect.

Chapter 9: Pray With Him Many problems in marriages exist because they don't depend on God for everything.

Chapter 10: Pray for Him Instead of nagging your husband, take it to God.

Chapter 11: Encourage Him A wife should be Chief Encourager to her husband.

Chapter 12: Minister Peace to Each Other Be quick to forgive, slow to anger, patient, and kind.

Chapter 13: Get Yourself a Black Negligee If you put your heart into your marriage your body will follow.

Chapter 14: Fitness is Appealing An appealing wife is one who is energetic, positive, youthful, attractive, healthy, exuberant, and full of vitality.

Chapter 15: Stay Attractive Real beauty stems from something deep inside, something God puts there, that comes through even the plainest shell.

Chapter 16: The Beauty of Holiness The most wonderful gift a wife can give her husband is to be a lady of fine character.

Chapter 17: Having Fun Together Learning to enjoy the differences instead of grinding your teeth can go a long way in your marriage.

Chapter 18: Through Tough Times Focus together on agreeing with the word of God and with each other.

Chapter 19: In Control - And Hating It Our wifely role is not to be head of the household. That is our husbands role as given by God. Trust God to build your home.

Chapter 20: When Opposites Attract Through discussion and loving compromise you may discover each others needs and how to meet them.

Chapter 21: My Brothers Middle Name is Sandpaper It is important to talk about what makes you angry and deal with it before the day is over.

Chapter 22: When He Doesn't Talk to You The greater language is the language of the heart.

Chapter 23: When He's Not a Christian Don't talk to him about God, talk to God about your husband!

Conclusion: In marriage we are not individuals. We are a team, partners for a purpose. Many times unrest in a marriage should not be blamed on your husband, but on the enemy, Satan.

Copyright © 1997 by Betty Malz.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Kindred Spirits Journal - Grocery Shopping

Today's email from Kindred Spirits Journal. This is a good one!

Two Methods of Grocery Shopping

1. Needs shopping - You buy what you need now at the best price possible and enough to last until you go shopping again.

2. Reserve shopping - You buy what’s on sale even if you don’t need it now so that you don;’‘t have to overpay for it when you do need it. Reserve shopping is the process of building a small in-house grocery store. When it’s time to make dinner you visit your own store.

Needs shopping is, in my opinion, a flawed system. Even the most diligent shopper - who shops with cash, builds the week’s menus around what’s on sale, and is careful to avoid all impulsive purchases - will eventually need something that is not on sale. That’s what the stores count on. When you pay full price for some of the items in your cat, the store’s plan works. They win. Mission accomplished.

Consider this needs shopping dilemma: You need mayonnaise. The best price today is $2.99 a quart for the store brand. You need it; you buy it. It’s not a horrible deal but it’s not great.

Four weeks ago at the high-priced supermarket across town where they do crazy things like double coupons to attract shoppers, the quart size of Hellman’s mayonnaise (aka Best Foods, the Cadillac of mayonnaise among those who rate their condiments), was on sale: 2/$5. That same week there was a $.75 manufacturers coupon for Hellman’s mayonnaise in the Sunday paper.

Here’s the way that deal would have played out had you been aware of the sale and clipped that all-important coupon: $2.50 for one quart, less $1.50 for the coupon ($.75 x 2 = $1.50). Final price for the Hellman’s: $1. That beats your store-brand deal by 66%.

As a needs shopper this is your dilemma: You need it now. The coupon has long expired and the sale is over. So you pay $2.99 for the off-brand mayonnaise because that’s the best deal at the time you need it. To make matters worse, you discover that your friend, a reserve shopper, bought three quarts of Hellman’s for $1 each and won’t have to restock until it goes on sale again.

Reserve shopping is the best way I know to consistently pay less than half price for nae-brand groceries. This method requires a minimal investment of time and energy. It’s a reliable system - you can count on it to work for you week after week. You will enjoy a wide variety of foods in all of the food groups, including meat, produce, dairy, and household cleaning products and personal care items. Rather than coming up with menus before you go shopping, you look to the store’s sale cycles to determine your food purchases. You create menus after the fact once you go shopping in your pantry’s stockpile.

Reserve shopping is an ideal grocery method for singles, families with kids, big families, little families, seniors with no kids - for all situations. You are not narrowed into narrow selections but have lots of freedom to choose the foods you want to buy. The amount of food is limited by the amount of money you wish to spend. You simply spend up to the limit and stop.

Eventually you will have a month’s worth of groceries on hand. This insulates you against wild price fluctuations at the grocery store. You won’t find yourself running to the store for one or two things, forced to pay highly inflated full price.

When challenges come your way - you lose your job or get sick; there’s a blizzard; you’re hit with unexpected car repairs - whatever the setback, with food in the pantry, hard times are less hard.

(Excerpt from "Live Your Life for Half the Price" by Mary Hunt)

Kindred Spirits A ministry of Kindred Spirits Journal &
...teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:4,5

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

January Scarf.....Done!

I am so glad to have the scarf finished! I didn't devote the time needed in the beginning of the month to ensure it would be completed by the end of the month. I used a basic knit stitch and made it very long.
So, you may be wondering where this scarf will go. Well, my son snatched it up! I think I was a quarter way through it when he said he really liked it and wanted it. He was so excited to get it today!
February will be red, or maybe pink. I don't know! Something Valentine colored. I am also going to choose a nicer stitch. I want this one to be girly!!

Closed the Shop

I closed my Ebay store last night. I just haven't had the time to list items. I am a week behind on housework and on my personal to do list. I am working on my website and hope to have it up and running soon. It didn't make sense to list items in my store for $15.95 a month plus $.06 per listing when I have a website for $4.95 a month. I can list as many items as I want for free! I will still run auctions through Ebay, but will list long term items on my website. It is such a huge weight off my shoulders!! And more profit!

Down Memory Lane

There are 2 women in my area that hold a semi-annual kids sale every year. I participated 2 years ago and made about $70 selling my sons baby clothes. This year I have decided to participate again.

As I was going though my sons clothing yesterday I was actually remembering when and where he wore each outfit! I can't believe that 5 years has gone by. They grow up so fast! There are certain things that I can't force myself to sell. Like the first outfit he wore in the hospital, and the first pair of shoes we bought when he was learning to walk. My husband thinks I'm crazy! But these items are very special to me. I have decided to place them in a container so that when/if my son has a son he will have them. What a joy it is to have so many happy memories!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Friday Pictures

We have several squirrels in the neighborhood, and they are pretty cute!
But there is 1 squirrel that has chosen my yard to store his groceries.
This is what I found in my front yard this morning! These are 3 separate
spots in my front yard!
My husband came to me with this 2 days ago and asked me to make a bag!
I made an outline of the base for a pattern and came up with this!

He wasn't excited about the fabric, but I thought it matched well with the construction theme!

I slept on the couch while I was sick with the Flu.
This is where these 2 stayed the whole time I was sick!
How sweet of them to stay with me!