Friday, February 2, 2007

Friday Pictures

We have several squirrels in the neighborhood, and they are pretty cute!
But there is 1 squirrel that has chosen my yard to store his groceries.
This is what I found in my front yard this morning! These are 3 separate
spots in my front yard!
My husband came to me with this 2 days ago and asked me to make a bag!
I made an outline of the base for a pattern and came up with this!

He wasn't excited about the fabric, but I thought it matched well with the construction theme!

I slept on the couch while I was sick with the Flu.
This is where these 2 stayed the whole time I was sick!
How sweet of them to stay with me!


Unknown said...

Just dropped by to say hi! I have enjoyed reading your posts today!

Me said...

Thanks Amy! I look forward to reading your blog!