Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Flu.....Sucks!

Sorry for the wording in the title, but that is how I feel!! I have the stomach flu and it has consumed the last 5 days of my life.

Saturday I took care of my son, and felt kind of achy. By Saturday night I had a 102.5 temperature. I felt like I was going to explode. Literally.

Sunday I woke up with a 101.5 temperature and felt like a mac truck hit me. I couldn't keep any solids down, and my throat was hurting something fierce. Then about 4pm my husband thought I had vomited way to much and had my father take me to the emergency room(since my son was still sick at home). The ER checked for strep( came back negative) and took lots of blood. They confirmed a virus and hooked me up to a huge fluid bag to replenish my fluids. They said the virus would pass in a few days and they gave me some nausea medication.

Monday I couldn't keep anything down. I even vomited the nausea medication. How bad is that! Anyway, It wasn't until Tuesday that I felt somewhat human. I still had the sore throat, and could finally keep solids down. This morning was better. My sore throat is on the way out and I am keeping food down. I am still a little tired, but much better than yesterday.

So, lesson learned........GET YOUR FLU SHOT EVERY YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is one of those times that it is OK to break the budget and spend the 10 minutes to save yourself 5 days of being miserable!

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