Tuesday, April 24, 2007


It has been a while since I have posted. I have been busy in the yard and the garden. I am happy to report that the good Lord has blessed us with lots of tomato's! Every morning I check them only to find more have popped up!! We are still waiting for them to turn red. That will be a great day!! We have also purchased some Blueberry plants, Onion plants, Strawberry plants, and a Green Pepper plant. I have been very busy working on my summer tan!!

I am almost finished with my sons school books for 1st grade. I am still looking for Social Studies and History. Once I have these he will be set for school in the fall. Then I have to start planning the curriculum!!

I have more great news that I will post in it's own message.

Wishing you all a great evening!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

We Have Tomato's!!!!!!!!

I am happy to report that we have about 30 tomato's on each plant!!!
They are still green, but growing very fast.
We are so excited that the upside down method works.
We are thinking of growing strawberries upside down next year!!

Behind on Everything!

For the last 2 weeks I have been researching and purchasing my sons textbooks for next school year. While I have been doing this, my chores and extra projects I had hoped to do this year have been pushed to the side. My main priority has been family time. I would rather put off washing the dishes or folding the laundry to spend quality time with my family. So, I am behind on chores, and the things I wanted to accomplish this year. I knew going into homeschooling that it would be an adjustment, so I have expected the amount of time it is taking. In a few more weeks I should have all of his curriculum purchased and return to normal life!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

He is risen!!

graphic by: digi scrap kits

Happy Easter!

I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter holiday.

What a great time it is to give thanks to the Lord for sending his son to die for our sin.

My husband and I have been explaining to our 5 year this week that Easter is not about the bunny, or candy filled eggs. But, that it is about the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Retailers have taken advantage of a day we should be celebrating Jesus's resurrection, and instead they are making money on the celebration of baskets, bunnies, and plastic eggs.

For Easter I purchased a small treasure chest like box. I placed a bag of M&M's, a Veggie Tales movie (keeping with the theme of God), and a book on the story of Jesus / Easter. When I handed it to my son, he thought he was just getting the chest. He was so happy. When he opened it he was happy with everything he received. We then read the book to him and watched the movie.

It is our job as parents to teach our children about God and Jesus. And Easter is a great time to teach!

God Bless