Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Home School Planning

I anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new home school books I ordered from I have read so many great things about them on Christian blogs and websites. I will be using these books as my monthly reading over the summer.

I am also working on my sons fall school schedule. I have decided to home school through most of the days public school would be taking off during the year. We will be taking Thanksgiving day off, as well as the week of Christmas. This allows us the time to spread out the curriculum to allow for shorter days. So far I have scheduled 3 hours per day( 9am - 12pm). Public School is 6.5 hours(8:30 am - 3:00pm).

This is our tentative Schedule:

9:00-9:30 Handwriting (M-Sat) Saturdays are until his handwriting becomes legible
9:30-10:00 Reading (M-Sat) Saturdays are until he can read more fluently
10:00-10:30 Phonics (M-F)
10:30-11:00Math (M-F)
11:30-12:00 Various Subjects by day
History(M), Science(T), Social Studies(W), Art(TH), Health(F)

Church Activities:
Wed: RA's & Children's Choir (Choir qualifies as Music class)
Thurs: Basketball (This qualifies as Gym class)
Sat: Tai Kwon Do (They have to memorize a new Bible verse every week)
Sun: Sunday School

And if gas prices go down in the fall, we will drive 30 minutes to the zoo every Saturday with our yearly pass.

We also plan to travel to my in laws more now that we can just pack his books in a bag and have school at their house. I love the concept of being able to teach wherever we are!

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