Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Holy Spirit & Christina

About 3 weeks ago I was heading into the church sanctuary when I saw one of our members setting up a table. I saw the banner and knew it was for sponsoring children in other countries. I asked him for a brochure and continued into church. As I was reading the brochure I felt the Lord moving my heart to sponsor a child. The more I tried to fight the feeling the stronger it became. And out of nowhere I said to myself 'I have to do this'. This is so unlike me! I know it was the holy spirit guiding my heart to help a young child. So I got up and went back to the table. I was amazed at all the pictures of children that needed help. As I combed through the pictures I saw a little girl from Peru that just hit my heart. I knew she was the one I needed to help. I filled out the paperwork and went back into Church. As we were singing the fellowship songs at the beginning of the service I couldn't help but cry. I felt the holy spirit touch my heart telling me I did the right thing. When my husband came to sit next to me, he looked at the information and was proud of me for doing it! I did not expect that kind of reaction! But he said when he went to Peru many years ago he saw the conditions children were living in, and how poor parts of the country are.

So, for $1 a day we are sponsoring a 3 year old girl from Peru who lives with her mother and grandfather. With the money we send every month she will be able to go to Bible centered activities, learn about God, and hopefully in the years to come become a Christian. Something most children in her country don't have the opportunity to do.

Lesson Learned: Don't fight the holy spirit! Go with it, and learn from it!

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