Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kindergarten Graduation

Friday was a bit emotional for me, as it was my sons last day of school. He officially graduated his first year (and last) of public school. I was emotional thinking of all we had been through since the school year began, and how brave he was to go to school despite his daddy's hospitalizations. I always gave him a choice, and he always wanted to go to school.

I was also emotional because it is now my turn to take the rains and educate my son. For those who have not read my previous posts, I am homeschooling my son in the fall. My husbands low immune system causes us to be very cautious when it comes to infections. My son brought home 4 colds, 1 flu, 2 ear infections, 1 sinus infection, and a fungal infection in the 10 months he was in school. That was more than he had his first 5 years on earth! If my husband gets another heart infection ( he has already had 3 in 4 years!) he will have to have a 3rd open heart surgery. And I am not willing to risk that! So, my husbands health comes first.

On Friday I bought a cake, balloons, some ribbons, and a small trophy! We celebrated with my parents (who were his surrogate parents while I was at the hospital). The best part for him was the $3 plastic trophy that said 'Kindergarten Grad 2007'!! How cool is that!

We are all so proud of him!

Now...on to SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!

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