Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm Back!

I am back to blogging!

It has been about 3 weeks since I have regularly blogged. I have thought about it almost every day, but had so much to do. So....what have I been doing?

  • I started the Summer Bridge book (for K going into 1) with my son. He surprisingly completed it in 2 weeks. It seemed fairly easy for him. We still need to work on time and money. This week we will start the Summer Bridge book for the next grade level up to see how far ahead he is. This will give me an indication of how easy these subjects will be when we have school in the fall.
  • I spent a week with my in-laws. I packed up my son (and his summer bridge books) and we took a trip south to help my mother in law with her 90 year old mom. We were busy packing her things to be moved into my mother in laws house. I was amazed at how much she has saved over the years. She had items dating back to the 1930' & 1940's! And if you ask her about a certain piece she can tell you a whole story about it. That's a pretty good memory for someone in her 90's! It was nice to see a part of history for a change. I also had the chance to see my nieces and nephews. They grow up so fast. My young teenage nieces are almost as tall as me! I feel shorter every time I see them! It was a great trip, and my son had fun with his cousins.
  • My house was some what of a mess when I got back from my trip. My husband had cleaned out most of my sons toys and put them in storage ( to be sold at the next kids sale ). In the process he left a lot of baby and toddler clothing around the house for me to go through. Keep in mind we live in a small 980sf 2bed 2 bath house. It can look quite cluttered if things are left out!
  • And, I have been sewing. I made my son a pair of shorts and a pair of sleep pants. His legs are so long, it is hard to find clothes long enough in the legs that will also fit his tiny waist. And since children's clothing is so expensive, it makes more sense to me to make him what I can. I usually purchase clothing for him when school clothes go on clearance. Then I can purchase shorts and tops for $2 -$5 a piece, instead of $10 to $15 a piece!

I have lots of pictures to share in my next post! Have a great Sunday!

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