Monday, July 16, 2007

Lizard Stand Off

Ever have a stand off with a garden lizard? I had the opportunity on Sunday!

I like to leave buckets on our porch to catch rain water ( to help save on the water bill!) for some of our plants. I happened to look in one of the buckets and found a lizard in it. After several minutes of trying to coax him out of the bucket, I grabbed his tail and put him on some lumber we have next to the house. When I saw that my dog was sizing him up for her next snack, I decided to nudge him to get him to run away. This is when it all started! He didn't budge. He even began hissing at me. I felt like I was in an old western wondering who will shoot first! I nudged him again, and nothing! Just more hissing and standing proud that he was a big tough lizard. So finally after about 5 minutes I said "OK, let the dog eat you!" And I walked away. About 2o minutes later I noticed he was gone. I am pretty sure that one day he will be eaten by something he should have run away from!!

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